Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative

Working together for the future of Hood Canal shellfish

Photos used with permission

The Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative is a multi-benefit approach to enhance Hood Canal’s valued shellfish resources.

HCCC worked with Hood Canal shellfish partners in a collaborative and inclusive process to identify coordinated strategies and prioritized actions to:

  • Support and expand Hood Canal’s thriving shellfish resources
  • honor tribal treaty rights
  • build resilience, pursue ecosystem protection and restoration
  • support careful stewardship of commercial and recreational shellfish harvest

Hood Canal’s communities and its local governments are committed to maintaining its place-based identity by protecting its shellfish resources from the increasing impacts of water pollution, land use changes from the region’s dynamic population growth, increasing recreational and commercial demand, and the changing climate’s effects on the canal’s water temperature and chemistry.

Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative Action Plan


The Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative Action Plan contains a comprehensive review of the barriers and opportunities to sustain robust shellfish resources that support a healthy ecosystem and community. It establishes objectives, selects policy areas of focus, and prioritizes actions to address the commercial, recreational, ecological, and human wellbeing aspects of Hood Canal shellfish. The Action Plan presents a prioritized list of actions to guide the planning of shellfish protection, management, and funding efforts across Hood Canal.

Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative Objectives

Protect and improve Hood Canal's water quality

Protect and improve Hood Canal shellfish habitat

Promote culture appreciation of Hood Canal shellfish

Support a sustainable Hood Canal shellfish industry

Expand harvest opportunities for Hood Canal treaty tribes, the local community, and visitors

Restore native Hood Canal Olympia oyster populations


View the Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative Action Plan

Track Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative progress at OurHoodCanal.org »

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There are no current events for Shellfish Initiative.


Advancing a Custom-Fit Strategy for Restoration of Olympia Oysters in Hood Canal


The final report for Puget Sound Restoration Fund's Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative-funded project.

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Hood Canal Marine Spatial Planning - Phase 1: Pre-Planning Report

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Hood Canal Marine Spatial Planning Workshop 2 - Meeting Summary

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For questions about the Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative, contact:

Haley Harguth
(360) 328-4625 

Where We Work

HCCC works across various boundaries under its many authorities.

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