Salmon Recovery
HCCC works with many partners to facilitate salmon recovery in concert with Integrated Watershed Plan goals across Hood Canal, for the sake of our salmon and our community.
Photo by Mike Hovis
Hood Canal is home to all eight salmon and trout species in Puget Sound. Hood Canal salmon strive to survive while facing multiple changes to their natural environment, including impacts of population growth, climate change, and habitat degradation or loss.
Our focus is to fix the places salmon live so that more survive the trip to and from the ocean, and make it home to spawn in our rivers.
HCCC facilitates implementation of three salmonid recovery plans, including summer chum salmon, Skokomish River and Mid-Hood Canal Chapters of the Puget Sound Chinook Salmon Recovery Plan, and the Hood Canal Chapter of the Puget Sound Steelhead Recovery Plan.
Priority recovery plan strategies include:
- Ensuring the long-term protection of priority salmon habitats
- Restoring natal estuaries, streams, and streamside areas
- Integrating partner actions and programs, such as county critical areas ordinances and co-managed hatchery management plans