Hood Canal Lead Entity

HCCC's Lead Entity Program integrates sound science with community priorities to implement key salmon recovery actions within Hood Canal and the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca.

Photo by David Wood
Visit the HCCC Event Calendar or see the Events section below for information on LE Committee meetings and due dates.
Lead Entities are watershed-based organizations authorized by the Legislature in 1998 (RCW 77.85.050 - 77.85.070) to develop habitat restoration and protection strategies, and identify projects to meet those strategies. 


    HCCC Lead Entity Citizens Committee Structure



The Citizens Committee is made up of Citizens Advisory Group members and the HCCC Board of Directors. Citizens Committee members often are the best judges of the community’s social, cultural, and economic values.

The Hood Canal Coordinating Council Lead Entity Program utilizes technical expertise from local, state, and federal watershed partners for project and regional evaluations of salmon recovery proposals. To achieve this, the HCCC Board of Directors has established two groups:
  • Technical Advisory Group (TAG)
  • Citizens Advisory Group (CAG)

The HCCC Technical Advisory Group advises the Citizens Committee. The HCCC Citizens Committee reviews and ranks salmon recovery projects on the Habitat Project List each annual grant round for submittal to the Salmon Recovery Funding Board.


Technical Advisory Group

Technical Advisory Group members are professionals with specific technical expertise related to salmon habitat recovery, with a diverse skill set including, but not limited to: planning, geo-morphology, salmon and habitat biology, ecology, engineering and other scientific concentrations. They evaluate projects on their technical merits, benefits to salmon, and the certainty that the benefits will occur. The technical committee submits its evaluations of projects to the Citizens Committee.

Citizens Advisory Group

Citizens Advisory Group members are citizens from the surrounding communities of the Hood Canal with an interest in salmon habitat recovery projects. Membership consists of representative interests from: geographic sub-regions of Hood Canal, tribes, environmental groups, habitat interest groups, regional fish enhancement groups, conservation districts, business groups, volunteer groups, landowners, and citizens.

View a list of current advisory group members.

Salmon Recovery Funding Board

Members of the Salmon Recovery Funding Board are appointed by the Governor to administer federal and state funding for salmon recovery. The board’s evaluation occurs in two phases:

  • The board reviews all projects for eligibility
  • The technical review panel evaluates each project for technical merits, certainty of success, and to ensure there are benefits to salmon


There are no current events for Lead Entity - LE.


HCCC Advisory Group Meeting Agenda

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Hood Canal & Strait Riparian Workshop - SUMMARY

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Hood Canal & Strait Riparian Workshop - AGENDA

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Alicia Olivas
(360) 626-1633