Summer Chum Recovery
As the Regional Recovery Organization for ESA-listed summer chum, HCCC convenes many partners and experts to develop technical guidance, advance actionable science, and prioritize actions to implement the summer chum recovery plan
**Guidance Document Released Summer 2018**
HCCC's Recovery Goal Review and Updated Guidance for Hood Canal Summer Chum ESU
Summer Chum Salmon Recovery Planning
HCCC developed the Hood Canal and Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca Summer Chum Salmon Recovery Plan (Plan) in November 2005 in response to the ESA listing of summer chum. A federal supplement to the plan was issued in 2007. These two documents form the official recovery plan.
Implementation of the plan is in progress. Habitat restoration projects are being developed, designed, and implemented as part of the HCCC Lead Entity program.
Visit the Library to view Summer Chum Recovery Plan documents.
Adaptive Management of the Summer Chum Recovery Plan
A process and program are in development to address salmon recovery monitoring and adaptive management. The plan calls for annual and five-year reviews to track progress, re-evaluate its approach, and capture relevant new information. Working with the Tribal and State co-mangers and the various groups throughout the region involved in salmon recovery, the review and adaptive management process is intended to bring together all aspects of H-integration (habitat, harvest, hatcheries).
Photo by Haley Harguth
Technical Guidance
Salmon Recovery Prioritization Guidance
HCCC has developed a framework to prioritize salmon recovery actions and strategies and to help guide project development.
The prioritization framework determines a prioritized set of recovery/restoration actions for salmonid stocks produced in the geographic area that encompasses the Hood Canal summer chum ESU. This geographic area includes all of the Hood Canal Basin, as well as portions of Admiralty Inlet and the Eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca. As such, the geographic area encompasses all of the spawning areas for the summer chum ESU as well as for the Skokomish and Mid-Hood Canal Chinook populations, which are also listed as threatened under the ESA designation.
Learn more about HCCC’s Guidance for Prioritizing Salmonid Stocks, Issues and Actions