
Dungeness River LiDAR completed

Dungeness River Topo-bathy LiDAR is now complete and available from the Puget Sound Lidar Consortium. The data report and all of the data are available for download from the PSLC ...

HCCC supports legislative requests

The Hood Canal Coordinating Council supports legislative requests that further HCCC’s and our partners’ work and investments toward Hood Canal’s environmental and community wellbeing. 2017 HCCC Legislative Priorities

HCCC Environmental Award Winners Announced!

Join us November 4th for the Hood Canal Environmental Awards Program and Poster Session. Awards will be presented to the following individuals/organizations: Mike Anderson, for his role in forming ...

RFQQ Project Schedule Extension

In March 2013 HCCC issued a request of qualification and quotation (RFQQ) for various (GIS, wetlands, cultural and historic properties, environmental site assessment, eelgrass and macroalgae habitat survey), engineering and geological ...