HCCC In-Lieu Fee Mitigation Program Kicks-off First Mitigation Project!
HCCC partnered with the Great Peninsula Conservancy to acquire 17 acres of wetlands to be restored and protected in perpetuity.
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Hood Canal Bridge Impacts Assessment Highlighted
Steelhead could be running into a trap at the Hood Canal Bridge, by Christopher Dunagan
RFQQ Project Schedule Extension
In March 2013 HCCC issued a request of qualification and quotation (RFQQ) for various (GIS, wetlands, cultural and historic properties, environmental site assessment, eelgrass and macroalgae habitat survey), engineering and geological ...
HCCC Achieves 1st ILF Program Credit Release in WA State!
Please find attached the IRT co-chair letter releasing initial credits for the Irene Pond ILF Site. The first such letter for any ILF Program in Washington State! Congratulations to HCCC ...