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Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative
Working Together for the Future of Hood Canal Shellfish
Our relationship to shellfish is built on more than their economic and environmental benefits – they are also a key component of the region’s identity, in addition to the priceless ceremonial and subsistence value of shellfish to Hood Canal Tribes.
Put simply, Hood Canal means shellfish. Its locales are recognized on oyster tasting menus across Puget Sound, and the world. Tourism is now the principal economic driver in the area, driven in part by access to shellfish.
While the shellfish industry’s importance to the region cannot be over-stated, the tradeoffs of resource use cannot be ignored, which requires careful management and continued research to better understand and minimize impacts.
Hood Canal’s communities and its local governments are committed to maintaining its place-based identity by protecting its shellfish resources from the increasing impacts of water pollution, land use changes, increasing recreational and commercial demand, and the changing climate’s effects on the canal’s water temperature and chemistry.
A Community of Shellfish Partners

The Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative (HCSI) is built on a foundation of collaboration to enhance Hood Canal’s valued shellfish resources. HCCC convened Hood Canal shellfish partners including local tribes, county governments, state agencies, non-profit restoration groups, shellfish growers, researchers, and community members in an inclusive process to coordinate strategies and prioritize actions toward the common goal to:
Support and expand Hood Canal’s thriving shellfish resources, honor tribal treaty rights, build resilience, pursue ecosystem protection and restoration, and support careful stewardship of commercial and recreational shellfish harvest.
Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative Action Plan
The HCSI Action Plan contains a comprehensive review of the barriers and opportunities to sustain robust shellfish resources that support a healthy ecosystem and community. The Action Plan presents a prioritized list of actions to guide the implementation of shellfish protection, management, and funding efforts across Hood Canal.
Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative Objectives
Read more in the Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative Action Plan
Hood Canal Shellfish Initiative In Action
The HCSI dug into issues from many perspectives to develop actions addressing diverse interests across multiple objectives. The momentum built during this process led to opportunities to pursue priority actions and partnerships, including:
- Mason County’s purchase of Pollution Identification and Correction supplies to investigate and diagnose water quality concerns
- Puget Sound Restoration Fund’s advancement of a custom‐fit strategy for restoration of Olympia oysters in Hood Canal, and related outreach efforts
- An exploration of Marine Spatial Planning’s potential application in Hood Canal
- HCCC’s continued coordination of the Hood Canal Regional Pollution Identification and Correction Program
HCCC continues to pursue opportunities to implement the HCSI Action Plan to benefit all Hood Canal shellfish interests.